
R L Dial Company

Supplying quality machinery for over 41 years world's industries: Metal Finishing, auto-Truck and aircraft component rebuilders, oil drilling, and equipment maintenance for over 41 years

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Contact Information

Sales:    800-645-8652

                        Email Contact                        


Dear Valued Customer,

With the resurgence of covid-19, R L Dial Company will  initiate per state and federal guidelines, The following policy .

    R L Dial Company is an essential business and will remain open to serve you, our customers. As an essential manufacturer to industry, R L Dial Company proudly provides machinery used in the manufacturing of materials and products needed for the medical, transportation, energy, food, 
agriculture, and defense industries.

    To ensure a safe workplace for our employees, R L Dial Company is following CDC guidelines and monitoring that all employees are utilizing best practices laid out by the state of Kansas. Please be assured that R L Dial Company’s main goal while maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, is to continue business with as little disruption as possible. Our commitment to you is that phone lines and emails will be monitored as normal, you will receive the same level of customer service, manufacturing processes will continue, and products will continue to ship.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. From our R L Dial Company Family to yours, we hope that you remain safe and healthy during this difficult time. Thank you for your suppoRT.   

Dick Dial
                                                          r l dIAL cOMPANY, iNC.